Flow: Untamed Rivers

Connecting rivers of Amazon to claim the greatest territory
2-4 15-30 min. 7+ enBuy yours!Rules PDF

Claim the greatest of tangled Amazon rivers

Flow: Untamed Rivers is a connection game, where you compete (or bargain) with others to build the longest river territory for your kind. Featuring 10 endangered species of amazon basin and a well-proven mechanic, this game is equal parts relaxing and mind-tangling.

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Rules and Features

A few key features make Flow way more fun than what you see on the first glance:


River ends

You can only find the river ends on the start tile and the lair tiles themselves, which compliments the clean design and very moderate number of components.


Every player has a single opportunity to reserve a place ahead of time. This splits the options into more dimensions of strategy and provides a fresh edge to otherwise ordinary game.

Secret ingredient: the distribution

Before becoming Flow we carefully tested its predecessor Hexdragon with over 100 players, and did some maths. You know how in games the best cards are often the rarest? We did the exact opposite - the distribution of the connecting pieces is shifted, so that the most useful are also the most abundant. In this particular design, it makes the game much more enjoyable.
Plus, since there is a very countable number of certain pieces, perceptive (and counting) players can gain an advantage.

Modes of play

Flow provides a completely different feeling not only with each kind of player you play with, but also with different number of players:

The 2-player variant can be also player on half-sized board, for a quick and engaging filler or as an intro game for beginners.

Flow Rulebook PDF

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